
Kingdom Triangle, ch. 3

"Given that knowledge is limited to empirical science, realms of public discourse outside science - especially religious, ethical, and political discourse - are not aspects of life in which truth can be known. Thus, decision-making in these areas cannot be guided by any hope of cognitive success. As a result, tolerance and pluralism must prevail and rhetoric, image, and their kin trump reason, ideas, and knowledge" (p. 65).

As a result, Dr. Moreland says that many Christians have 'hitched their wagon' to postmodernism. This shift has neutered the Christian and has caused a deflation of the gospel into nothing more than a choice among choices in the buffet bar of metaphysical assertions. "They inadvertantly contribute to the marginalization of Christianity precisely because they fail to rebut the contemporary tendency to rob it of the very thing that gives it the authority necessary to prevent that marginalization (a legitamate claim to moral and religious knowledge)."

Moreland also outlines how the university has shifted into this same 'postmodern' dilemma. So, a unified moral truth, even in the realm of politics, is increasingly impossible in our culture's worldview. The denial of objective, absolut truth leaves us longing for a certainty we cannot attain, but it is not certainty located on human faculties that we need, but correspondence to reality (which only an all-knowing God can give).

This caused in me many questions:
How do I go about dismantling the postmodern and scientistic schema adopted by those I am called to pastor when they are indoctrinated in this worldview?

I am reminded of sitting in my livingroom with teens after watching "Gospel Journey Maui" listening to them (and adults) say we cannot know for sure which religion is true. Though the certainty they desire is not possible, Christ corresponds with reality and is therefore true. We can proclaim his truth boldy, not because WE are right, but because the one we know is right. In the parable of the 4 blind men and the elephant, he is the 5th man who can see.


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