Kingdom Triangle, ch. 6
Moreland continues the book with 'the Renovation of the Soul'. He suggests four areas where the empty/false self has taken over:
1. The empty self is inordinately individualistic - we do most things out of our own self-interest; even morality and spirituality.
2. The empty self is infantile - we are controlled by cravings (food, entertainment, stuff).
3. The empty self is narcissistic - we manipulate relationships with others to validate our own need for power and admiration; which ultimately leads us to treating people like objects.
4. The empty self is passive - we would rather let life pass by than get involved - for example; we let pastors do the thinking for us and only get involved minimally.
So, he suggests 3 things we need to focus on to change:
1. Growing in the Art of Christian Self-Denial - we need to live a life of virtue where all aspects of our life are shaped and characterized by these traits. This is the way we were designed to flourish. So, we deny ourselves for the Kingdom of God,which gives us the greatest satisfaction. When Jesus said, "anyone who wishes to gain his life must lose it", He was not making a command, but telling us how reality is.
2. Fostering Spiritual Disciplines in Ourselves - Using a tennis instructor analogy, Moreland suggests that we first commit ourselves to pursuing tennis excellence. Second, we submit ourselves to a master instructor which requires continued focus and intention. Finally, we must present ourselves repeatedly through the practice and coaching (vzv Romans 12:1).
3. Cultivating Emotional Sensitivity to the Movement within Your Soul - He suggests two reasons why we have lost connectivity with our emotions; visible leaders of the church are type-A men who split from their emotions and charismatics have become addicted to sensationalism. So, he suggests 3 remedies: 1. Read and align budgets and goals around Spiritual disciplines - Renovation of the Heart, Willard; Celebration of Discipline, Foster; The Way of the Heart, Nouwen; The Lost Virtue of Happiness, Moreland and Issler. 2. Bring to center stage those trained to help in this area (counselors, therapists, spiritual coaches and directors). 3. Meditate in our Hearts -
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