Truth & The New Kind of Christian, Ch. 8 and 9
Denying the objectivity of truth and ethics is something that we can only do in context of a decently moral community (one where most people believe murder, rape and lying is wrong and that virtues such as altruism, love, and honesty are good). If we lived in a truly relative society, we would not even begin to entertain such ideas. Smith walks us through some of the negative conclusions of adopting a purely subjective truth.
Filled with examples and analogies, Smith offers an epistemic humility that ultimately seeks to give us some level of confidence in our knowledge. Borrowing from Dr. Moreland, Smith unpacks the importance of maintaining an objective truth. Properly laying the foundation and then grounding it in the way that the Gospels understand truth, Smith leaves us with an objectivity that is humble and has a perspective (subjectivity) without sacfrificing truth.
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