Science or a Religion Called Darwinism??? Part 3
So, are Science and Christianity at odds? No, not at all. In fact, they should work together to demonstrate truth. Just like Christianity does not give an exhaustive record of all truth (such as science, cell theory, physics, mathmatics, etc.) Science cannot give the answers to questions about spirituality, God, morality, purpose or meaning. Neither category is inferior to the other. The fact is that all truth is God’s truth. We should seek to know all of the truth God has revealed to us, even that of the natural world.
So, what’s the problem?
Answer this question: Are we dealing with Science or a religion called Darwinism? Why is this a question?
Science tells us true things about what has been observed. Darwinism is a belief system that make assumptions based on a set of presuppositions about the world, not necessarily based on facts. Whatever evidence there may be, it cannot be proven and is a belief system just like anything else. This system of beliefs is called Naturalism. The focus of Darwinian Evolution is not factual evidence, but a philosophical belief in Naturalism. Once people have made their commitment to Naturalism, they can be persuaded by relatively minor evidence. Most ordinary people believe that science is impartial, unbiased empirical investigation based on facts, strictly adhering to the evidence. While this should be the case, and is what is portrayed in textbooks, the problem still remains that, in practice, many scientist cross the line from science to philosophy and do not do so very well.
Consider the following quotes by well know scientists:
“Even if there were no actual evidence in favor of the Darwinian theory…we would still be justified in preferring it over all rival theories” Richard Dawkins
“Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such an hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic” A Kansas State University Professor
“Many people believe that a supernatural force or deity created life. That explanation is not within the scope of science.” A High School Textbook.
“By attributing the diversity of life to natural causes rather than to supernatural creation, Darwin gave biology a sound scientific basis”. Another High School Textbook
Conclusion: It is neither simplistic, ignorant or wrong to reject evolution based on the evidence. In fact, I believe it is more rational to believe that there is a creator. However, there are some who would teach you that you are foolish if you reject or question evolution. What we come to is an issue of which you believe. In this vain, you and the Darwinian are on equal ground.
Happy Blogging!!!
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