
Arguments for the existence of God Part Four - Meaning and Conclusion

Meaning and Conclusion
Without God, everything in life is meaningless. If there is no god who created everything, then there is no purpose. If there is purpose without a god, who purposed it? If there is no god who created everything, then there is no meaning. If there is meaning, who meant it. If there is no god who created everything, then there is no truth. If there is truth, how could we know it? Truth, meaning and purpose left only to man to decide is not only irrational, but is useless in that it cannot govern anything at all. If you were to run across some scribbles on a piece of paper, you may decide to spend some time trying to figure out who wrote those scribbles and what they mean. However, if you found out that the scribbles were randomly placed there and had no meaning, but only ended up there by chance, you would stop searching for the purpose for them and the meaning behind them. If this universe is the result of chance in evolution, then there is no reason to look for meaning in life. There is no reason to look for purpose in life. You simply live, and when you die, you are dead and cease to exist. However, there is meaning to life and there is a purpose for our being here. We do not all know what that meaning and purpose is, but we know there should be one. There indeed is meaning and purpose, but it exists because God meant it and purposed it when He created the universe and everything in it. In order to disregard a god, you must accept things most atheists are unwilling to accept.

Things you must believe to be a true and rational atheist:
• God does not and has never existed
• Right, wrong, virtue, love, beauty, and truth are merely man-made inventions that have no objectivity or reality to them.
• There is no meaning to life whatsoever.
• Everything is random and even your thoughts and logic have no real meaning.
• When you die, you are dead and that is all. No Heaven.
• Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer, Mother Theresa, Jesus Christ and you are all on the same level morally, spiritually, and ontologically. None is more right than the other.


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