
Renovation of the Heart, Ch. 2

After addressing a few concerns, Willard jumps right into the "parts" of the soul by offering six basic aspects of human life: 1. Thought 2. Feeling 3. Choice 4. Body 5. Social Context 6. Soul So, for Willard, Spiritual formation in Christ is the process leading to that ideal end (where all parts are ordered around God being restored and sustained by Him), and its result is loving God with all of the heart, soul, mind and strength and of the neighbor as oneself. From here he breaks down each of those essential parts and explains them further. With my wife being a Psychologist, I find myself wondering how these impact or are shaped by the best practices of Psychology. One of the most helpful tools given are the graphics showing the "whole picture" of personhood as it interacts with God. I found this very much in line with what is discussed in virtue ethics and useful tool for understanding what has been a "mystical" (to use Willard's words) concept in Christianity - spiritual formation. Willard makes this important statement: "It is the central point of this book that spiritual transformation only happens as each essential dimension of the human being is transformed to Christlikeness under the direction of a regenerate will interacting with constant overtures of grace from God. Such transformation is not the result of mere human effort and cannot be accomplished by putting pressure on the will (heart, spirit) alone." I would add, as Willard often does, grace is opposed to earning, not effort.


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