
Faith, Film, & Philosophy, Summary

This was an excellent book. Filled with the most important and ultimate questions of life discussed by sundry philosophical thinkers and from some of the most important stories of our time, I found Faith, Film & Philosophy to be an important read. I can see myself using this in three specific ways.

First, I can see using this as a bit of a framework for asking deeper questions about the movies and TV shows I watch. Each author gives new insight into how to tease out the important questions being asked by the films. Going back and reviewing this book for just a few minutes will remind me of ways that I can engage new films that will come out in the future. I can already see "Inception" being in a future version of this book.

Second, I can see myself having movie discussions with friends and church members. Asking deep questions about the media we take in, as Christians, is essential. It is essential for our own worldview development. It is essential for our witness and in serving as a bridge to the gospel. I can see film as being both discipleship and evangelism when utilized for the Kingdom.

Third, I can see myself emphasizing story-telling in my teaching and preaching. One major take-away from this book is the importance of story on the human heart. While I knew this was the case, this book further inspired me toward becoming a story-teller. I hope to spend greater time crafting and artfully telling stories in whatever setting I find myself.

I am glad to have read this book. I would love to see future editions released that continue to engage the new movies that continue to come out. Due to the movie lull over the past years, it would be interesting to see TV (such as lost and 'Biggest Loser') considered in philosophical publications as well.


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