
Christian Apologetics, Appendix 1

I read with disgust "Love Wins" by Rob Bell. I found it to be exegetically shallow and eagerly compromising in its ear-tickling message. So, when I opened up the pages of this appendix, I hoped to find a clearly stated argument against such a view of Hell. While Groothuis does not even tip his hat to Bell, he does an excellent job of unpacking the need for a doctrine of Hell based on three theological realities: 1. Human Sin, 2. Divine Holiness, 3. Cross of Christ. The strand of logic should be obvious enough. What is most compelling about this section for me is his heart (Groothuis). He makes the case that we should, in the words of Schaeffer, teach the doctrine of Hell, "with tears". This was refreshing for me. I quote Groothuis' use of Schaeffer:
"To believe in "the eternal lostness of the lost without tears would be a cold and dead orthodoxy, indeed." I believe my heart needs to be broken by the things that break the heart of God.


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