Signature in the Cell Summary
Signature in the Cell is a well-written, articulate and researched book. I am so thankful that books like this exist. The primary uses of this book/information are for confidence, a reference and a resource.
This book has given me confidence in my own life and ministry. I felt as if ID was a somewhat 'unscientific' claim based on what I have been told, taught and perceived in media/worldview thinking of my culture. However, this book offers a no-nonsense rational argument for the validity of ID as a scientific theory and research endeavor. Because I have read this book, I feel confident in my assertions about God's activity in the world and have confidence in discussing these things with people in the public arena.
This book will also serve as a reference for discussion with people. I will have a well-researched commentary on ID and how it has been developed and can be defended. This go-to book on ID will serve as something that I can use for years to come (I am betting there will also be future updated additions). Science is not an area where I consider myself an expert. So, having a thinker like Meyer to help me walk through this heated issue is very helpful.
This book will also be a great resource for people in my congregation who are wanting to go deeper into this issue. I now have a book that I know adequately deals with the complexities of science and cogently argues for ID. Again, having a thinker like Meyer to walk my people through this issues is a great help for me.
This was a difficult book for me as I am not a scientist. However, I am thankful that there are clear conclusions that can be drawn and people like Meyer to communicate them to people like me.
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