
Culturally Savvy Christian, ch. 2

Staub focuses on approaches that Christians have taken to culture. He suggests cocooning, combating and conforming as being the main three. His deeper concern seems to be around what
Bonhoeffer called "cheap grace". In a life-changing experience with Chinese believers, Staub is rightly convinced that Christianity-Lite is a serious problem in American pop-culture. I appreciated the following quote:
I simply note that Christian use of media has been primarily imitative, striving to look like and sound like mainstream media while adapting the lyrical and moral content to the reductionist, feel-good gospel of pop Christianity. Generally, it lacks spiritual depth, intellectual firepower, and artistic originality, and for the most part, it is satisfied with being a counterpart to the popular culture: entertaining and mindless and driven by celebrity, technological competence, good marketing and, above all else, profitability.


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